
IntelAtomC2538,4,4,✓,Avoton,DDR32GB.DS3018xs,IntelPentiumD1508...IntelAtomC2538,4,4,✓,Avoton,DDR32GB/8GB.DS1817,Annapurna ...,IntelAtomC2538embeddedCPU:detailedspecifications,sidebysidecomparison,FAQandmorefromCPU-World.,[email protected](R)Atom(TM)[email protected].基准频率:,2.4GHz.跑分(越高越好).960.排名.3720.睿频频率:.核心/线程:,4核4线程.,类型:笔记本平台.插槽:FCBGA1283.时钟频...

我的Synology NAS 使用哪種CPU?

Intel Atom C2538, 4, 4, ✓, Avoton, DDR3 2GB. DS3018xs, Intel Pentium D1508 ... Intel Atom C2538, 4, 4, ✓, Avoton, DDR3 2GB/8GB. DS1817, Annapurna ...

Intel Atom C2538

Intel Atom C2538 embedded CPU: detailed specifications, side by side comparison, FAQ and more from CPU-World.

Intel Atom C2538 @ 2.40GHz 参数频率功耗跑分对比

Intel Atom C2538 @ 2.40GHz. Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2538 @ 2.40GHz. 基准频率:, 2.4 GHz. 跑分(越高越好). 960. 排名. 3720. 睿频频率:. 核心/线程:, 4核4线程.

Intel Atom C2538 @ 2.40GHz参数说明

类型: 笔记本平台. 插槽: FCBGA1283. 时钟频率: 2.4 GHz. 睿频: 0 GHz. 核心数量: 总核心数量: 4 (4 个物理核心). 典型TDP: 15 W. 全称: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU C2538 ...

Intel Atom C2538 @ 2.40GHz

This is a fairly old CPU that is no longer competitive with newer CPUs. But this CPU contains 4 Cores and 4 Threads. This CPU may not do well with games ...

Intel Atom® 處理器C2538 (2M 快取記憶體

Intel Atom® 處理器C2538 (2M 快取記憶體,2.40 GHz) 含規格、功能與技術的快速參考。

Intel Atom® 處理器C2538

Intel Atom® 處理器C2538 (2M 快取記憶體,2.40 GHz) - 取得設計文件、資料工作表與版本資訊等。如需進一步詳細資料,請登入。

Synology DS1517+ 的Atom C2538 疑問(第2頁)

Synology DS1517+ 的Atom C2538 疑問 ... 虛擬機的話個人是覺得Q家已經算是滿成熟的產品,使用上是沒什麼大問題。 至於您說的BT我個人是喜歡用虛擬機下載所以沒什麼大問題, ...

Intel Atom C2538 - 2.4 GHz

General Information. Category, CPU processors. Description, Intel Atom C2538 - 2.4 GHz - 4 cores - 4 threads - 2 MB cache - FCBGA1283 Socket - OEM.

x86 cpus' Guide

Manufacturer, Intel. Model, Atom. Architecture, x86. Codename, Rangeley. Core frequency, 2.4 GHz. Cores/Threads, 4/4. Targeted market, Embedded devices.